Western/Modern Music

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Western/Modern Music

Postby RobotGoggles » Fri Apr 24, 2015 11:27 pm

Howdy! I'm a BIG fan of your music, and I was wondering if you could make some techno-country songs. One could start with like an Indiana Jones whip sound, followed by horse gallops in the drum track through the rest of the song, ending with a big horse bray, kind of like this http://www.soundsnap.com/node/99494. I want it to be real chase-like, as if your chasing down an outlaw, but I want the instrumental to be techno as well, like laser sound effects or whatever inspires you. Oh, and gunshots. Sprinkle some in there. ;)

The other one should be a parody on the Lone Ranger Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uUpDG680uew. If you could add some "Yee-haws" or "Giddy Ups" in there that would be amazing! :D

Anyway, I'll be looking forward to what you'll do with your imagination.

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