Non profit themesong!

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Non profit themesong!

Postby MaartenJongkind » Mon Apr 25, 2016 5:46 pm

Dear beloved TeknoAxe and other forum followers!!

My name is as my username and you might know me from the YouTube comment section...
I enjoy a lot of your tracks while I'm driving around in my car, or when I have to make something for my club.

That's what this topic is about: The Rotaract Club of Volos, Greece.
We are a part of the International Rotary which is a non-profit volunteering organization that has as motto, service over self.
This is also the reason why I contact you, because you are also not working for the money but for your hobby, right?

Anyway, let's get to the point. We do a lot of active things, such as cleaning beaches, helping the poor and supporting the old in our city and country.
Our paternal club (the Rotary) is working hard to end polio and uses an official anthem when they present this to the public.
It's an arranged excerpt from Beethoven's Egmont Overture, op. 84 as you'lll see in the video below.

However, we are not the older people as Rotaractors. We are between 18 and 30 and would like to have some more inviting (of our time) anthem.

My request on behalves of my club and all the worldwide Rotaract members. Could you do something with this Beethoven part and freshen it up in a modern way? I was thinking a hint of trap/breakbeat or jazzhop and saving the original 13 seconds.
I know we can never own any of your songs and that's exactly what I would like. If other people like our song, maybe Rotaract will be more popular among the young. It should be free for everybody!

I hope you can mean something for us!

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2016 1:19 am

Sun Oct 16 2016 4 54 pm

Postby Dimkapr » Fri Nov 25, 2016 5:46 am

Постепенно холодает. И так хочется, чтобы в квартире стало уютнее и теплее. Но окна подводят, пропускают осенний холод, и даже страшно, что же будет зимой. Опять заклеить все скотчем, проложить ватой или, посмотрев ролики на youtube, попытаться что-то подрегулировать? А если регулировка своими руками не помогает? Как утеплить окна на зиму?

Компания «Служим окнам» располагает громадным опытом решения проблем продувания и промерзания окон. Мы знаем наизусть все возможные причины и варианты решения проблемы «холода от окон». И решаются такие проблемы, конечно, не скотчем и часто не только регулировками, а комплексно.

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